If you would like to learn about bees and are excited to start backyard beekeeping, this class is for you. We concentrate a series of classes into a full-day class to make the most of your time and give you an in-depth look at becoming a beekeeper. You can walk into this class, knowing nothing about honeybees, and walk out prepared and excited about your new adventure.
You must be a member to register for the class.
Next Class is on September 14th! For more information contact education@pcbeekeepers.org
Beekeeper in a Day
Date: Saturday, September 14th, 2024
Time: 9am- 5pm PST with 1 hour for lunch.
Please bring a sac lunch or there are food options off campus. Please bring a bee jacket /suit and bee gloves if you would like to work with the bees for the hands on portion of the class.
Location: WOSSA Building, WSU Extension Center, 2606 West Pioneer, Puyallup, Washington
The WOSSA building is located on the southern part of the campus.