Buying Bees 2024
Robbins Honey Farm
Harvard Robbins (club member)
7910 148th St. SW, Lakewood, WA
253-588-7033, 253-370-0842/
Beekeeping supplies, bees, honey
5 Frame Nucs: TBD
Delivery in April
Dolce Bella Bees- Alisa Shorey
253-380-2327 (club members)
Bee Packages will be available for pick up on April 14th and 15th starting at 9 AM
this may change due to the weather
The cost will be:
$165 per package For Italians
$190 for a Carniolan
$195 for Saskatraz Bees.
Queens are available for all breeds mentioned above.
We only provide packages not nucs.
Orders must be placed by April 1, 2024
Address for pick up is 7415 276th Street East, Graham 98338.
West Hill Bee Products
Adam Frank
Queens only: $50 per queen
Auburn, WA /253-839-1942
We specialize in New World Carniolan. Our apiary is treatment-free and our stock queens are selected for gentleness, fast spring buildup, tracheal mite resistance and overwintering success. Each queen is kept in a separate nuc for continuous ovarian development and immediate recognition of a laying queen in new hives. Queen cells, virgin queens and nucs are available upon request. Queens are available throughout spring and summer. We also offer custom grafting from your queens.
Mountain Rain Bee Products
Lincoln Mettler
12305 28th St. Ct. E, Edgewood, WA 98372
253-826-3103, cell: 253-330-4689/
Locally raised nucs and queens
5 frame NUC: $180.00/ 10 frame NUC: $280
Miller Compound Honey Bees & Agriculture, LLC
Lauri Miller
(253) 320-9058
WA bred & raised queens & bees, VSH, Carniolan, Hybrids
Local pickup only, no shipping.
Overwintered Spring nucs are 5 deep frames, late summer reared queen.
Early summer nucs will have a newly mated queen that was reared inside the nuc without disruption. ( nuc itself was overwintered)
I do not have PayPal anymore , so if you want to send me a check for a couple bucks for deposit or you can or just wait until they become available for first come first serve.
My address for deposit is: 29506 8th Ave S., Roy, WA. 98580
Check made to Lauri Miller. Be SURE to include your order details, full name and contact info!! Any questions, please text me at 253-320-9058.