PCBA 4/14/2021
Jason Sanko, Tricia Borgardt, Betty Robertson, Sherri Thomas, Christine Viene (education chair)
Missing Nikki & JT
Start mtg @ 7:05
Betty – re apiary day, Too frequent sets precedent
Sherri – state that frequent apiary day is temporary
Jason – need frequent attention to apiary for maintenance
Tricia – include members and non-members w charge at apiary days
This sun – Jason & JT for apiary day
Christine – some members are behind 1y in dues, online payment option is shut off, 800 on list
Sherri – still getting paypal, was receiving payments through Jan 2021 for members & classes
Jason – as of March 2020 members entered frozen status for membership
Christine – can come up with records for who has paid for beginning education program
Discussion re website, poss transferring DreamHost hosting to another site, poss find web/SM member, don’t have a current volunteer/member
Motion by Jason, second by Tricia to go to zoom meetings
Starting in May, using Jason’s Zoom until July meeting
Motion by Jason, second by Sherri
To increase apiary days to 2 Sat/mo 1st & 3rd through summer 2021 to increase opportunity for education
Motion by Jason, second by Sherri
Exploratory of summer picnic (should be a Thank You & Farewell to JT)
Jason – explore re-opening classes for beginners
Jason/Sherri – have all members pay up by Oct & allow new members to join. Poss half-price membership for newsletter, simply leave up NL on website for free access
Christine was previously told to retain non-paid members on active list. She will work on getting the membership list current for status
**create proposal for next meeting re membership: active members pay up by Oct, non-paid (in compliance by-laws) will be removed from active email list [they can access newsletter on website
Club meetings/education maintain 1st Mon of month
Tricia will start using Google Docs for Secretarial/Minutes
Lifetime membership to Harvard & JT