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PCBA General Meeting

7:05 Call to Order – Mary Dempsey

Kathleen (VP) back at Christmas Party, TBD

Community Clusters after meeting, meet your local beekeeper club members

Old Business:

·       Request for speakers/presenters for community events (i.e. school presentations, retirement community requests, etc.), PCBA will provide presentation materials  

·       Hive hosts for onsite apiaries- install and maintain hives on people’s property

Next Meeting: Monday DEC 2nd, 2024 6pm Holiday Party and White Elephant- Desert Potluck

Nominations for Board: Mary D, President. Kathleen Clerc, VP. Fawn Casey, Treasurer. Nate Chambers, Secretary. Jillian Slicer, Asst Secretary.

Mary is stepping down in 2026 from the President role, and will need to get filled.

Kristen to hold vote.

Vote for Mary Dempsey President – carried all in favor

Vote for Kathleen Clerc Vice President – carried all in favor

Vote for Fawn Casey Treasurer – carried all in favor

Vote for Nate Chambers co Secretary – carried all in favor

Vote for Jillian co Secretary – carried all in favor

Plans for 2025: School outreach, Tacoma farmers market, State Fair, Spring Fair, Master Gardener Sale. Finish Honey House remodel- heat and lighting, paint floor? Or refinish… Continue to develop education programs- add video and Zoom presentations for guest speakers from remote locations.

Q- Did we meet our goal for fundraising? A- State fair sold $5,000 in tickets.

Q- New swag/clothing? How do we order? A- Online on website with link

Presentation of Journeyman Certificate – Deborah (last name) taught Journeyman level with WSBA. Journeyman level is required to do Queen rearing, Apiary exam, teach a class, very in-depth knowledge level of bees and working in local community. Susan (last name) awarded journeyman certificate.

PCBA offers classes and certification through OSU and WSBA. Master Beekeepers are called on to teach Journey level for the club.

Club to send Jeannie flowers as she is going through recovery. Jeannie has volunteered for years to provide refreshments and help set up monthly meetings.

Mary D is proposing changing bylaws to require members to donate 10 hours/year for club activities. Vote to follow in the January meeting.

Meeting adjourned to break out into community cluster group meeting.

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