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10/21/24 Board Meeting


No Jillian or Fawn attending tonight

Attending Via Zoom: Kathleen Clerc, Mary Dempsey, Nate Chambers

Call to order 6:10


Finance Update: 

Puyallup Fair: Sold $5,100 raffle tickets. After paying for raffle prizes, honey sticks, brochures $1,600. Profit $3,475. Handed out over 4000 honey sticks. Kids and adults loved the honey sticks. Swiss girl visited booth and said our booth was the most interactive and best set up of all the booths she's ever visited. Doc Hansen (in charge of Ag. Building) came by and said we had one of the best booths and brought people in, we had our  booth staffed for the entire fair unlike many other booths in the Ag building.


Nate: Proposing asking members to volunteer 10 hours per year as part of membership. Need to bring to club for vote to ratify into bi-laws.


Katie M. brought some great interactive elements for the fair this year.


Apiary Update: 

Mite load brought down through treatments, both apiary's fully treated. Brown and Haley sugar almost done, about 1 full bin left. Mary checked in with Brown and Haley and they will have more sugar to donate in January. Hives are wrapped with insulation in the teaching Apiary. Mary inspected the queen rearing Apiary 10/14- no honey to harvest, rearranged frames so food was distributed. One hive was queenless but member has extra queen to donate so we will add her next week. Second hive in queen apiary is strong. Added candy boards, quilt boxes, pollen patties on both. New vaporizer gun works really well. OA gun will be stored at the Honey House so battery can be charged.


Honey House: 

Fully repainted, needs a little detailing but looks good. New counters are installed. Need to hang poster board with user guide/information guide. Centrifuge wiring was broken and is now repaired. Need one more window screen? Need to confirm they are reinstalled. Awnings need to get reinstalled after they are painted. Will tackle awnings next spring. Floor finishing? Possibly epoxy, doesn't necessarily need it but might be a nice project for future. Would like to add bear fences to both Apiaries. In Alaska they use boards with nails through them to keep Bears away installed around the apiary perimeter.


Mary talked to Ben at WSU Maintenance about quote for the lighting and heater at honey house. He needs to send over pricing so we can put in our order.


November meeting: 

Elections and Community Clusters.


Speakers and Events:

Who do we want to present to the club next year?

Holiday Party- Kelly in charge this year. December 2nd is Holiday Party. Dessert Potluck and White Elephant party. 6pm. Club to provide $300 for table cloths, decorations, coffee/tea service, paper plates/napkins/cutlery. $20 minimum buy in for white elephant. Advertise in next newsletter and explain rules/etc.

Membership Drive? Not sure if it's necessary... this year had a strong turn out organically. Not planning on doing any overt drive this year.



Workshop on how to make holiday gifts (next year)? Need to continue workshops for members in future. Wax workshop had a good turn out. 

Queen rearing and Nosema lab are going to be hosted by WSU next year. 

Need to add more hives in the resource Apiary. 

Having WSU involved to host workshops benefits us with their association. 

Bought computers, fair supplies, and honey house materials- current club accounts around $24K.

Next year - focus on workshops, education plan, communicating with members.

Rent is coming due, $3,800. Looking for new insurance broker. Club can be held liable for swarm patrols and working in Apiary. We can add a waiver/rider to protect the club from possible law suits.

T-Shirt company - looking for new company to host club gear for members.

Video Equipment - Soleil has sorted out the best option, $400 per camera with built in gimbal. Hand held wand, built in hard drive, microphone jack, and can live stream. Club to purchase 2 cameras for class recording, etc.

Mary prefers to host classes in person but maybe record classes for people to watch later or brush up on information.   


Close Out meeting 6:56



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