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PCBA emergency Board meeting 3/30/21


Patricia Borgardt, Jason Sanko, John Thomas, Sheri Thomas, Nicole Hickman, Christine Viene, Betty Robertson, Greg Wildig

Called to order 7:11p

JT taking minutes

Greg, due to medical issues, has decided to step away as President, and Cookie will be stepping away as Secretary 

Motion carried to accept Greg & Cookies resignation, automatic movement of Jason to President 

Motion carried to accept Betty as VP, Tricia as Secretary

Nicole Hickman – will retain news letter

Motion approved for 2 packages ($135ea) purchased from Alyssa for educational purchase to be installed in club apiary. This will be in addition to 5 nucs ordered ($145ea) from Harvard

Apiary day will focus on OMB study program students

JT will contact Bill, ops mgr at WSU Allmendinger Ctr, to get books, etc, out of the storage closet

Going forward, Jason and Betty will focus on education 

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