PCBA Board Meeting 9/28/21
6p meeting comenced
Present: Jason Sanko, Betty Robertson, Tricia Borgardt, Sherri Thomas, Kathleen Clerc, Nicole Hickman
In person meeting places –
WSA Allmendinger limit 30ppl and $350/month
Sherri Thomas has offered Prince of Peace Lutheran Church $300/mo
Church has some A/V equipment, and sanctuary has wi-fi avail
Betty & Tricia - Mask mandate must be adhered to during meetings; Sherri & Jason in favor of putting into newsletter & posting sign
No food/beverage
Wording will state we will follow state health guidelines
Jason & Betty will monitor compliance as possible
Jason proposed to return to in-person meetings, Mon Oct 5th 7pm, second by Betty
Voted by board to approve
Proposed by Jason for new members to join at $30, until xmas party
Second by Betty
Voted by board to approve
Kathleen will update membership and website, and will add minutes to website Board section
For fair coverage, above and beyond
Deborah Langley Boyer
Bob Snyder
Pamela Bender
Beth Samuelson
Jason has proposed to offer them a 1yr membership and recognize them in newsletter
Second by Tricia
Voted by board to approve
Betty has door prizes that were donated and will bring those to the next couple of meetings
Need to ratify board by-law changes at next meeting
Need to set up a 20min class, maybe via zoom, as a recruiting tool and to intro those interested – “Do you want to be a beekeeper?”
October meeting will be for general business and we’ll wait to start before meeting classes
Sherri will be set up to use Square to take payments at meeting
6:50 meeting adjourned